Welcome To The Fit Life Parenting Blog!

Welcome to our blog!

Inside we'll share our insights into Health, Wellness, and the Fitness industry as a whole.

The blog will cover a wide range of topics to help busy parents optimize their health, fitness & physical appearance...

(Because that's what most of us are after, right? To look and feel friggin' amazing with unwavering confidence in yourself)

With that said, the goal is to help you learn actionable tips and strategies around health, dieting, nutrition, exercise, and strength training.

Resources that you can take away and implement into your life asap.

Since you're a busy parent (like us) we know you don't have time to waste.

We'll do our best to make the articles short and action-packed. 

Each one only takes a couple minutes or less to read.

And each one gives you high-quality insights or new perspective shifts to help you be the best version of yourself.

Just remember, nothing changes unless you take action in your own life. We'll do our best to provide the roadmap, but unfortunately...

We can't be there to push you down the path. 

Our job is to make this as simple as possible for you...

Your job is to take what you learn and actually do it.


Still friends?

Okay, cool...

See you on the inside.

Keith & Brittany

P.S. The links below are past articles compiled so you can skip around based on topic, or choose to binge every blog in order of release.