Discover Unique Corporate Health & Fitness Systems For Companies Who Want To Empower Their Employees Through Optimal Wellness

If your company is serious about giving your employees a simple system to achieve permanent fat loss and complete health transformation…

This letter may be the most important message you ever read...

Dear Friend,

Take a look at the chart below...*Danielleresults*jpg?alt=media&token=5eb83790-4f31-49fe-97e9-c5ced744f65f
It's a snapshot of one of our recent member's weight loss progress... almost 20 lbs pounds lost.

And all it took was the commitment to our simple 4-week system.

Now, I'll tell you... health isn't only about losing weight.

But... it's the single most important metric to help drive optimal health, wellness & improved life expectancy...
"Even a modest weight loss of 5 to 10 percent of your total body weight is likely to produce health benefits, such as improvements in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugars." - NIH, NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative
Knowing weight loss is the lowest hanging fruit to achieve greater health...

It begs the question...

Why don't more corporate wellness programs focus on it?

You see, most workplace wellness programs are obsessed with the wrong things...
They focus on outdated, ineffective, and boring experiences that don't drive noticeable changes in your employee's health metrics. 

► Health screenings...
► Virtual seminars… 
► Fitness subscriptions and apps… 
► Yoga classes...

The list can go on forever...

But despite all these things… 

Employees are left with unanswered questions and unprovided results… 
They’re tired of the fluff programs that promise a healthier life, but rarely provide the support and results they truly desire. 
They want more…

…And need more.

More guidance… 

A personal touch…

And expertise from a health coach who speaks in simple, relatable terms to daily life…

Not corporate jargon.

Someone who’s been in their shoes and understands the day-to-day grind of a career-driven individual… 
Your employees need simplicity along their healthy journey. 

A simple health system that can be followed without feeling like it’s a second career…

But the problem is, most corporate wellness programs don’t provide this.

They’re too complex, robust, and provide too many options…

When employees are presented with too many options on a complex topic, what do they do?


So they don’t get the results you’ve paid for.


They try to figure it out on their own time…

Even despite your best efforts to provide them the tools & resources, they need to live a healthier, happier life…

So they’re forced to find it outside of the workplace.

Some will find the answers they’re searching for, but sadly…

Most don’t.

So they stay exactly where they are.


Making zero progress with their health, or worse… going backward.

Which doesn’t help them, or your company.

But don’t worry, this isn’t your fault.

We’ve experienced this as well while working for Billion-dollar brands like ExxonMobil and Cox Automotive.

We know what it’s like, and we’ve experienced firsthand how employees yearn for help but don’t have the slightest clue how to find it…

It’s very common…

But, it doesn’t have to be this way.

There’s a better way to invest in your employees’ healthy future… 

But you can only get this solution here, through me, on this page...

And if you keep reading this short letter, I’ll show you exactly how you can get it... you can be the savior that gives them exactly what your employees need.

Rather than the team leader who invests in yet another corporate wellness app or program that gets your employees less than optimal results, leaving them searching for the solution on their own...
What if you could skyrocket job performance, personal productivity, and the overall well-being of your employees in just 28 days?
Look… we both know employees are more energized, productive, and work harder when they feel better about themselves. 

"In a study conducted by the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School, researchers found that happy employees are 13% more productive."

They show up to work, eyes wide open, clear-headed, and ready to be a valuable asset to your company. 

And it doesn’t take much to get them to the point of being a higher producing individual…

For themselves, their team, and the company as a whole. 

It’s quite simple actually. 

They need your help & support...

To discover how to integrate health & fitness into their busy lives without making it feel like it’s taking away from work or their home life… 

How is that done? 

Glad you asked. 

Let Us Introduce ... 

The 28 Day Wellness Accelerator Challenge

A 4-Week Personalized Health & Fitness Challenge Accelerator to help your employees transform their body & reach peak performance in their personal lives and careers…

And we do it without investing in common corporate health methods such as:

■ Standing desks
■ Peloton subscriptions
■ Discounted Gym Memberships
■ Biometric screenings
■ Massage therapist
■ "Healthier" snacks in the break room
■ Onsite yoga instructors
■ Group meditation
■ Wellness magazine subscriptions
■ Exercise subscription apps

You might be wondering, why not include those things?

To be blunt, they're short-term 'feel good' band-aids that mask long-term health issues...

Plain & simple - they don’t provide long-term, real results for most people…

Sure the trendy fitness gadgets and eye-popping tech are nice “features”... 

And yes, it's convenient to get your employees screened on-site. But...

Your employees want results… 

Noticeable changes to their body & health they can feel for themselves and see with their own eyes...

That’s what we provide. 

We ONLY focus on things that have a DIRECT impact on changing people's lives...

That means actually showing them how to create a healthy & sustainable lifestyle that fits their unique challenges and circumstances...

And we’ve perfected the system through years of trial & error, and hands-on experience guiding hundreds of high-achieving parents to become the best version of themselves. 

Mentally, physically, and professionally. 

If you look good, you feel good…

And you perform even better. 

"Health" smoothies, fitness watches, and massages are nice... but they don't teach your employees HOW to actually be healthier.

Your employees are searching for a personalized health & fitness coaching experience… 

Are you going to be one of the few companies that give it to them?  

Employee Health & Wellness Programming For Every Level… 

A unique advantage of our 28 day wellness accelerator program is that it’s scalable to the individual. 

Meaning, whether they’re a current fitness junkie or brand new to learning how to live a healthier lifestyle, we personalize the program to meet them where they’re at. 

This allows us to confidently engage, and guide every employee who wants a lifestyle change through strategies that will drive each individual to the best results for their experience level. 

We Go Beyond Standard Nutrition & Fitness

The challenge goes well beyond nutrition guidance and fitness programs.

We customize the teams journey based on your main priorities as a company. Each week we hold a 30 minute virtual chat to provide your employees with tailored information and resources to help them level-up their wellness & healthy habits.

Each program is unique - every challenge is different depending on your needs. Here’s a few example topics we offer to cover during your 30-minute virtual chats: 

■ How to maximize energy levels and maintain it through a healthy diet 
■ Smart food selection and eating techniques for weight loss 
■ Choosing healthy lunches & making smart decisions outside of work
■ Health & wellness strategies for the entire family 
■ Best practices for workplace stress and sleep management 
■ Long-term fitness strategies for the time-strapped employee 

Leadership Led Experience*A275A9F1-427B-44CC-AA49-BDBAADA157F2*png?alt=media&token=d5f3acbe-ab83-4722-a5c6-d0ccceda37ab
Did you know?

"91% of workers at companies led by leaders that support well-being efforts say they feel motivated to do their best at their jobs." - American Psychology Association

To create a successful program that drives high engagement and results, we need unwavering commitment and support from the leaders within the company. 

Employees follow strong leaders. 

They look to you for guidance, encouragement, and to pave the way forward… 

That’s why we follow a “Leadership Led Experience” approach. 

 Meaning we give you the power to help personalize the challenge to the vision and wellness goals you have for your team. 

We’re now your full-time, team members. 


From leadership to coaching, with a singular mission… 

We can create an experience that drives the best outcome for your company as a whole. 

 And how do we achieve the best outcome? 

 By asking you to help customize the entire experience to make sure you’re getting exactly what you need, when you need it.*Copy%20of%20Copy%20of%20Copy%20of%20Copy%20of%20Copy%20of%20Copy%20of%20FLP%20Logo%20(Facebook%20Cover)%20(YouTube%20Channel%20Art)*png?alt=media&token=31ca8431-cca3-4c08-8ea1-3732590944bd

Here’s what the customization process looks like…

Step 1: Customized Challenge Details

Help us customize and design every aspect of the challenge to build the perfect program that you believe will help provide your team with the best results.

Step 2: Choose Your Pillar Lessons

Each week we'll host a 30-min virtual team meeting and cover one interactive wellness lesson based on your choosing.

We don't believe in pre-designed topics, instead, we survey leadership so you can be in control of providing the information you believe is most prevalent for your company.

Step 3: Marketing & Enrollment Campaigns

We'll help you develop marketing & campaign material to help drive engagement and sign-ups for the challenge.

Step 4:  Get Results!

The only thing left is to get started, get results & change the health of you and your employees for life.

Your Employees Experience

Step 1: Exposure & Encourage Buy-In

Since we’re a team now, and building momentum towards achieving a single outcome…

It’s our job to help you motivate and raise awareness around the challenge so we can get the buy-in of your employees.

We’ll provide you with every resource and tool to encourage excitement and drive engagement to the program so we can start transforming your employees’ lives together.

This means we’ll supply you with marketing material, email campaigns, and personalized program flyers to curate excitement and employee buy-in.

You’ll get the material, all you have to do is push send on your keyboard and raise awareness around the workplace.

Obviously, if you want to create your own material to bolster employee engagement and drive awareness, you’re more than welcome…

But it’s an additional bonus we provide to help make sure we transform as many lives as possible.

We’re here to provide results and transform lives… not watch people who need help sit on the sidelines.

If you’re curious about what this material looks like so you can have a visual of what we provide, click here.  

Step 2: Comprehensive Lifestyle Assessment

After an employee indicates they want to be a part of the branded challenge, they’ll receive an in-depth lifestyle and nutrition assessment.

This allows us to review every member on a 1:1 basis to identify any challenge areas or specializations that will need to be adjusted for that individual.

This also helps us identify potential weaknesses or recurring themes among group members so we can better personalize the overall experience to fit the groups’ needs.

We also review lifestyle habits, dietary choices, and more. 

Step 3: The Challenge Begins

On the date determined by the company, the challenge will start. 

Each employee will download our company app, a one-stop shop that holds their nutrition program, wellness resources, and workouts with detailed instructional videos. 

This also makes communication between the challenge members and coaches seamless. It provides a streamlined, group chat so we can create team communication and support throughout the challenge. 

Each employee will also have the ability to message us individually throughout the length of the challenge with any questions they may have. 

Benefits Your Employees Will Love

Expert Guidance & Support (24/5) 

Online chat support between weekly team-building calls to help ensure your employees have consistent guidance throughout the work week. 
Team Building Calls

Each week we will hold a 15-30 minute training to discuss topics such as behavioral health strategies, meal programming & eating strategies to fit every individual's preference, showing them how to create their own healthy lifestyle that lasts a lifetime. 

After each training, will have an open Q&A for anyone who would like additional help or support. 

Lifelong Solutions

Simple systems & strategies that provide long-term results long after the challenge ends. Every solution we provide can be used repeatedly which makes the transition to a healthier lifestyle as seamless as possible.

Personalized Approach 

Our coaches modify every member’s program resources to match their personal food preferences, health/injury risks, history, and unique goals so they have the highest chance at long-term lifestyle change and success. 

All-In-One Solution

One app for team members and coaches to support each other & build camaraderie... We're all in this together.

This level of direct support allows team members to hold each other accountable, and build team unity so no one ever feels alone during the challenge.

It also makes it simple to access every challenge resource from one platform, accessible on their laptop or cell phone, wherever they are.

Benefits Your Company Will Experience

 ■ Boost company morale and team rapport 
 ■ Increased employee production & performance 
 ■ Employee retention, commitment, and daily engagement 
 ■ Greater employee job satisfaction 
 ■ Potential insurance savings for company
 ■ Health equity and employee confidence 
 ■ Reduced health care costs & sick leave reporting 
 ■ Long-term health strategies for your employees 

Even though the challenge is short in time, it's a long-term solution... 

The exact blueprint to being self-sustainable in optimal health, nutrition & fitness. 

And the good news? 

It NEVER goes out of date or style... 

It's not something you need to invest in every year... 

Once your employees have this blueprint, it can be used for life.

When You Sign Up to our Corporate Wellness Challenge, You’re Getting a Complete Transformational Health Solution for your employees... 

And Here’s Some Results Our Members Have Achieved with Our 28-Day Wellness Challenges...

"Fit Life Parenting is one stop shopping for changing your health & fitness regimen."

"This power duo is helping me level up in fitness and in life!"*Renner*jpg?alt=media&token=7c43d6a7-8d89-43a7-b3b4-8d353d3df0b9*Ashlyn%20Review*jpg?alt=media&token=bcd3acb2-df5f-47ef-b0e2-66150453a87d

"The nutrition plan was tailor made for me and they even made videos to walk me through the plan before I started!"

"The depth of knowledge they have on fitness and nutrition can and will change your life."*1C0D1D9F-73D5-4999-B620-31F1F674544E_1_201_a*jpeg?alt=media&token=f3e355dc-449a-4abd-94d7-9bebfb936701*Amber1*jpg?alt=media&token=fe5ca48e-b918-4433-8d27-cbd15e9580fd

"First time I've stuck to a meal plan in forever."

"This is the easiest meal plan I've ever done."*S2*png?alt=media&token=1ca98958-32c3-48a7-80c9-00655cbc5ebd*S3*png?alt=media&token=e873dc09-c5d6-4734-840e-d054dc94d48f

"I would highly recommend this team. It was a great experience."

"Very thorough in their work and truly care about their clients' wellbeing!"*S9*jpg?alt=media&token=e6627efc-a13b-4e87-a756-0fe90f7a9f05*S10*jpg?alt=media&token=68e36c96-b4c2-40ed-80cc-16484acbcf17

This program is for your company if...

► You’re tired of investing in boring, outdated wellness programs that give your employees nothing more than a lunch n learn plus a couple of pamphlets that go straight into the trash can. 

► You’re looking for something fun, fresh, innovative, and invigorating for your employees and team culture. 

► You’re ready to stop investing in different wellness solutions, year after year without getting your employees long-term results. 

► You want a detailed, hand-held experience including consistent communication with nutrition coaches who act as team members, and not contracted hires. 

► You want to give your employees a simple health & wellness system that can be used for the rest of their lives.

This program is not...

■ A fitness app or subscription service

■ An eating app or food delivery service

■ A short-term program/solution

■ A benefits based healthcare service

■ Hours of long, drawn-out  presentations & content-based articles

This challenge is designed to give you every health & fitness strategy your employees need to live healthier and improve their way of life on a daily basis without the fluff or unnecessary resources.

Why trust Fit Life Parenting with your Corporate Wellness?*32993DDB-10CD-4BEF-BAE2-EA55EC92FC66_1_201_a*jpeg?alt=media&token=0f30ae80-c439-489e-a66b-15bd548275ce*CD04657B-919A-4FDA-8B35-1C5ABE61B7EB*png?alt=media&token=ab97a2cc-6df2-4b62-af23-9505cd29b7e7
Look, we don’t claim to have some cutting-edge technology or advanced AI modeling that monitors thousands of employees at once…

But what we do claim is real-world, hands-on experience with the exact type of people in your team right now.

People who are searching for exactly what we provide.

An intimate experience with nutrition & fitness coaches who meet your employees where they’re at. 
You see, we work almost exclusively with high-achieving parents who have demanding work-life balances. 

And have been for years. 

This means, every program, template, resource, and recommendation… no matter how small, is optimized for the busy working professional who needs simple methods that produce results without spending more time on their health & fitness than what’s needed to thrive. 

That’s what we do… and we’re experts at it. 

We’ve distilled complex health systems into a few simple steps that get results your employees believe can’t be achieved… 
Everything we do thrives on simplicity because simple flat-out works.
Also, we’re not just a couple of online fitness trainers who got started on social media...

We both worked in corporate America for a combined total of 10+ years. 

This means we’ve been in your employees’ shoes… 

We understand how challenging it is to try and be healthy within the workplace, dealing with high pressure job roles. 

We understand the stress and pressure of meeting deadlines… 

We know what it’s like to receive social pressure from co-workers or team leaders who don’t view your change in lifestyle as an important thing… 

Most employees have zero clue how to live a healthy lifestyle while also thriving in their careers… 

And the few who make an effort quit because they don’t receive support from their peers or team leaders. 

Which is a costly mistake. 

For you, and them because we both know health & wellness is a key driver in workplace performance, longevity, personal happiness, and the overall perception of work-life balance. 
"The top five stress symptoms causing missed work days are constant fatigue (29%); sleeplessness (26%); aches and pains (24%); high anxiety (23%) and weight gain (18%)." - CareerBuilder
With a long-term health solution...

Your employees will feel happier, more supported, and perform at a higher level.

They’re looking to you for guidance and support...

And with almost everything going virtual in today's business landscape, they need it more than ever.

That’s where our corporate challenges come in. 

We’ve made the entire health & fitness process so simple ANYONE can follow it…regardless of whether they're in the office or their own home.

This means every employee who is committed, will get great results and love you for providing the blueprint for them. 

Want To Learn More?

If you’re ready to see what our Corporate Branded Challenges can do for your organization and employees, we’re currently accepting a limited number of employers.

Click the button below to schedule a quick chat to see if our Corporate Branded Challenges are a good fit for your company.

Want Some Cool FREE BONUSES, too?

We’ll even through in some sweeteners to make sure your employees have every resource needed to make changes that lasts forever. 

                                             Yearly Subscription To The "Dive"

The Dive is a quarterly newsletter that deep dives into everything health, wellness, fitness & lifestyle best practices.

It'll cover trendy topics and vital information to help your employees stay motivated and on the cutting edge of the health & fitness industry.

Even though our time together will only be 4-weeks, our programs revolve around long-term solutions.

The dive is a way to help make sure your team has trusted resources to continue personal education and self-improvement, long after the challenge ends.

                                               Every Resource For Life

Once the challenge is over, your employees will be able to download every resource received so they have it for life.

This includes challenge resources, templates, trainings and our weekly team calls.

Still Have Questions?

Since we like to simplify everything - we made the process easier by compiling a list of frequently asked questions. 

If you have a question that is not answered below, you can shoot a quick email to [email protected], or simply schedule a call through any button on this page and we can discuss it over a quick 20-minute call. 

Do you work with individuals 1-1? 

We do! We work with anyone and everyone is committed to becoming the best version of themselves. 

We can help you 1:1 with your unique goal(s) whether they are weight loss, optimal health, nutrition & eating guidance, workplace wellness, or muscle, strength & performance growth. 

Please keep in mind, this is offered to anyone interested in our full-time program AFTER completing the corporate challenge. 

Do the corporate challenges include exercise and nutrition guidance? 

Yes, each challenge member will have hand-selected resources to help them with both exercise & nutrition. 

Are they both mandatory… no. 

Most people will get incredible results by improving their eating & nutrition habits alone.

The challenges are scalable to the individual... meaning everyone will benefit as long as they're committed to their healthy future.

However, for the fastest (and best) results, we suggest going all-in with both since exercise & nutrition play very specific roles in creating optimal health, wellness & longevity.

Is equipment provided for the workouts? 

Nope. We’re virtual nutrition coaches and personal trainers. We do not come to your worksite or provide in-person coaching. 

However, we have a library of exercise programs to fit every challenge member's needs that walk you through each exercise & program in detail. 

The exercise demonstrations, programs, and additional resources will be provided through the app so each employee has every resource wherever they go, in one convenient location. 

Our Programs Include:

► At-home bodyweight programs for beginners or members who don’t have gym access. 

► At-home band programs for members who want to strength train but don’t have access to a gym or free weights. 

► Gym-based programs for challenge members who prefer to exercise in a gym or have the equipment in their home. 

Also, if you don’t have equipment but would like some for the challenge, no worries... we have trusted brands who you can purchase affordable equipment through. 

How quickly can we get started?

You can get started in as little as 2-3 weeks, depending on how many employees participate.

P.S... Our Personal Challenge to you:

If you're still reading this, you probably have some level of interest in providing our Corporate Branded Wellness Challenge to your employees...

So, I'll leave you with a personal challenge...

If you're not yet sold on scheduling a call with us, that's okay... we're not into pressure sales or sleazy marketing tactics.

But I encourage you to take this information and everything you've learned from this page...

...and ask ten of your employees if they'd be interested in a simple, repeatable health & fitness system that will show them how to lose fat & transform their personal health and confidence for the rest of their lives.

I'm willing to bet 9 out of 10, will be interested in learning more.

If that's true... come back and book your call so we can chat.



We'll talk soon...

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©Fit Life Parenting 2022