What if you could Lose 10, 20, or EVEN 30 + pounds of Stubborn Body Fat in 14 Weeks or Less And Never Gain It Back...

... Without starving yourself or giving up your favorite foods.

"Fit Life Parenting has changed my life!" - Brittany Tansey

WARNING: Please read only if you’re ready to take your Personal Health, Physical Appearance & Self-Confidence to an entirely new level of success

Dear Fit Parent, 

If you want a simple, repeatable method that allows you to eat the foods you love, lose stubborn inches around your waist, and feel as confident as Superman (or Wonder Woman) in clothes you never thought you'd wear again, then this short letter will show you how. 

Here’s the deal… 

We’ve created a 14-week, personalized coaching program called: 

Power Loop Accelerator

It’s our most desired, revolutionary program… 

However, it is expensive. 

And, it’s definitely NOT for everyone… 

Especially if you’re someone who expects lightning-fast results to manifest from thin air like the Tooth Fairy laying cold hard cash underneath your child’s pillow… 

We all know the money didn’t magically appear… 

Just like fat can’t magically melt from your body. 

So if you’re looking for the magical quick-fix, I’ll save you some time: 

1. They don’t exist.
2. If you don't believe me, you’re not going to be a good fit to work with us.
Here's why:

We show high-achieving parents how to lose stubborn body fat that’s been stored for years… 

Fat that has been attempted to be liberated by every fad diet, fat sculpting system, and diet pill on the market… 

And show you how to do it without any of those things… 

In a much simpler way… 

Using very specific methods… 

In far less time… 

Than those sneaky mainstream diets, fitness programs, and fads that are promoted all over the internet. 
You see…

The amount of information in the health & fitness industry is overwhelming…

It’s everywhere you look.

People are constantly searching for the “diet” that’s FINALLY going to help them lose loads of weight, win back their rock hard 20’s body (or pre-baby body), and actually keep it this time…

Sadly, many never find it.

They lick their wounds, take their losses and say “welp, guess this dieting thing isn’t cut out for me”...

And the lucky ones who do find a solution (the outliers), usually waste YEARS going through promises, hype, lies and heartache to find the stuff that actually works.

That’s a risk you might be willing to take…

But what if the risk never pays off?

What if the “diet” never comes?

The better question is…

What if I could offer you a better, faster, easier way…

… without any of the risk I just listed above.

Something proven - not some random program you can find in every corner of the internet. 
A program that fits your unique lifestyle like a form fitted glove…

Designed perfectly for your goals, body-type, likes and dislikes… 

Done for you - in your hands in less than 72 hours from this very moment… 

Which is a far cry away from the YEARS most people waste searching for something this perfect...

One program to finally stop the search…  

ONE, ridiculously simple method that has all the answers you’ll ever need…

Without overthinking the process…

And without being forced to do a bunch of shit you don’t want to do.

If this sounds interesting to you then…

I've got some exciting news.

That method exists…

But you’ll only find it through this letter.

And I’ll share it all with you if you keep reading…

I’ll show you EXACTLY how to shed unwanted fat and create a life of food freedom… 

Something that will give you newfound energy & confidence in your body and ability to become a newer, better version of yourself...  

…even if you’re a busy parent or career-driven individual that claims I don’t have enough time in the day”. 

Look... I've heard that line thousands of times...

It's very common, but the truth is...

You'll never mutter those words again after you unlock the systems & strategies we provide to our clients.

Time is not an issue...

The process is so simple & efficient even the most time-strapped, busy mom can lose loads of fat and transform her body...
As you can see above, what I'm telling you isn't hype...

These are real results, from real busy parents just like you...

The client above has 4 young children and owns her own business.

Her before and after pictures are only a 28-day difference...

4 measly weeks and she changed her body that much... even with kids tugging on her legs while exercising and running a full-time business.

If she can do it, so can you...

Even if you’re brand new to this whole fitness thing...

Or even if you're an experienced fitness junky looking to get your groove back...  

You'll start seeing FASTER, EASIER results WITHOUT wasting hours, days, months, or years searching for the next thing…

You’ll never have to worry about dropping hundreds (sometimes thousands) of your hard earned dollars on more fat loss supplements, diet programs, weight loss hacks or fitness subscription memberships.

And no… this isn’t some intense workout regimen either.

When I say simple & easier… I mean it.

You’ll spend less time in the gym doing cardio or frantically wondering what foods you need to eat.

The process can be as simple as 1,2,3…

Your job is to follow it and watch the pounds melt off like butter…

I don’t say these things lightly.

This method took me YEARS to discover on my own, including $10,000 + in certifications, courses, books and coaches.

From 2013 to late 2016 I worked tirelessly discovering how to reverse my own poor eating habits, weight loss struggles and overall shitty lifestyle.

I’d buy a diet program, shed a little bit of weight … then gain most of it back. 
It was nice at first since I’d get a little boost in self-confidence and gratification… 

Hell, even 5-10lbs lost gave my arms more muscle definition and loosened the belt strap on my jeans a couple notches… 

It was nice for the ol' ego... 

But the programs got exhausting after a while.

Because that’s as far as they would take me…

5-10 lbs lost and a tiny ego-boost.

It didn't fix the deeper insecurity I still had...

How do I get the last 10,20, 30+ lbs off, and maintain it?

I didn’t know… those programs never gave me the answer I needed.

So once they ended, I’d gain the majority of my weight back without even thinking about it.

It didn’t matter if it was a 4-week shred, 8-week strength training guide, or 12-week intense cardio program…

They all ended the same.

Leaving me with the same questions.

HOW do I actually keep my results long-term?

Not 3, 6 or 9 months…


And HOW do I keep progressing once I hit a sticking point on the scale.
I didn’t have the slightest clue…

Most people don’t…

And that’s why most fail…

Because almost no one in the industry teaches long-term methods that are simple and sustainable… 

They give you outdated methods, promise you amazing results, but leave you high and dry...

I'll cover those methods in a moment...

But what I want you to know right now - if you're one of the millions of people who follow all the nutrition rules and diets of health and fitness "gurus" but still carry extra fat you can't get rid of...

It's most likely not your fault.

Especially if you're a busy parent who doesn’t have hours to dedicate to figuring out how to be healthy and fit.

For the last 4 years… I’ve been able to effortlessly maintain a lean 210 lb body with visible abs year round.

Even with two crazy kids and a couple of needy pups who are always begging for my attention…

Even while running two full-time businesses, working 10+ hours, 6 days per week.

Even while eating the occasional deep dish pizza with my family…

Going on ice cream dates at the local creamery with my wife and kids…

And late night snack binges…

I’m not telling you to go do those things lol…

I’m showing you it can be done, because that’s how I live my life…

And I’m healthier and happier than I’ve ever been.

You see, I dropped over 100 lbs in my fitness journey… 
(The inner thigh rub on the left… ugh)
I went from XXL baggy shirts that hid my stomach rolls to wearing large, form fitting t-shirts without worrying about my belly or love handles bulging through my shirt to random people I passed on the street.

I dropped from a 44in waist to comfortably wearing 34-36in jeans… depending on the brand :)

(Usually Banana Republic if you’re curious lol) 

My personal confidence, energy levels, and mental clarity are at an all-time high...

I don't worry about choosing clothing brands or driving to specific outlet stores to find clothes that fit my body shape...

I shop anywhere I want, without worrying if the clothes will fit... because they all fit.

I never worry about being out of breath or feeling lethargic during the day because I'm no longer carrying an extra 100lbs of fat on my body weighing me down like two sandbags strapped around my shoulders...

My back, knees, and joints have never felt better...

Running around and playing with my kids is a breeze.

I wrestle my kids, kick the soccer ball, chase my daughter on her bike and play for hours on a daily basis without getting winded or being in pain.

If I was still 100 lbs overweight, none of that would be my reality today.

This isn’t said to brag, I’m just sharing the possibility with you. 

And I don't want this letter to sound like it's all about me... 

Because even though I'm talking about myself, it's not about me....

It's about you...

And the truth is, you can have this too… even if you’ve failed multiple times before.

Now don’t get me wrong - I worked really friggin’ hard to get where I am today…

I've been through the emotional ups and downs that come with diet cycling…

I’ve tried all the fat burners, diet products and slimming teas that promised me fast weight loss…

Only to be left wondering if I would ever lose the embarrassment and shame I felt with my body. 

I thought I had fat genes, and was destined to be overweight my entire life...

Until I discovered the method I'm going to reveal to you shortly.

So when I tell you these things, it's from personal experience…

If you feel a similar way, you’re not alone.

I’ve been in your shoes…

And I literally prayed every night, for years, that something like this method I’m about to reveal would fall into my lap.

An opportunity to finally break free of my weight loss misery…for good.

A path to become the best version of myself.

And that’s exactly what I’m going to share with you…

The opportunity to break free from the person you are now… so you can step into the person you should be.

The Fit Parent that your family needs.

The strong image your children look up to and model their behaviors after...

The leader who sets the standard for everyone in your home.

The person everyone looks at months from now and says “
holy shit, what diet did you do? You look amazing!”.

But you, and I both know… it wasn’t a diet.

It wasn’t a fad…

Or a new fat boosting product that targeted you through an ad on Facebook.

It was a life changing transformation that you will keep for eternity…

Knowledge and secrets that less than 5% of busy parents looking to lose weight and keep it off possess…

That’s what I’m going to give to you.

By now, you’re probably thinking “Dammit, Keith just SPILL it already!”...

And I totally get it… 

I'll share it soon enough... but before I do...

You need to understand the truth...

No matter how frustrated you may feel after trying and discarding many diets, you absolutely can have the lean and confident body of your dreams...

First - you need to know what diet mistakes to avoid...

We'll call them the 3 most common and catastrophic "guru" diet mistakes...

And if you follow my guidance, and avoid these 3 mistakes, getting your dream body figure is actually a simple process.

3 Catastrophic Guru Dieting Mistakes That Sabotage Long-Term Fat Loss

And Why They Don't Work...

Mistake #1 - Severe Calorie & Food Restriction

Raise your hand if you've ever tried a diet that forced you to drastically cut calories and remove nearly everything except for meat and vegetables... 

...leaving you with the delicious options of chicken, tilapia, and turkey, with lettuce, celery, broccoli, and if you're daring - the occasional cucumber...
We've all been there..

Health "gurus" support these diets because they supposedly "remove risky toxins", "help you look and feel younger" or "cleanse your kidneys and liver"...

Others support it because it's a fast way to lose weight...

The more calories you remove, the faster your results, right?

Sure, faster weight loss is true in theory... but it almost never happens that way.

Let me explain why...

Severe calorie and food restrictions don't remove toxins, help you look younger, cleanse your kidneys or liver, and most importantly...

...help you lose fat faster...

Because body transformation is about physiology.

Each part of your body, all the way to your organs and cells have specific roles...

Your kidneys and liver, for example, help remove wasteful toxins and harmful fluid from the body...

They don't need green juices, plain lettuce, or celery to help them do their job effectively.

That's made-up bullshit.

But they do need consistent energy sources to perform their basic functions on a daily basis...

Energy comes from the food you eat, and you need a specific amount to operate at a high-level...

...which is why severe calorie restriction never works for achieving long-term weight loss.

It screws up your physiology - your metabolism...

This makes it easy to regain the lost pounds, and more often than not...

... even more on top of that after low-calorie dieters stop their program.

Your body doesn't understand what dieting is...

It doesn't know you're trying to get lean for the beach or shed 20 lbs in 30 days.

Instead, it realizes your body is eating way less food, which makes it think you're starving yourself...

As a result of severe calorie restriction, your body makes it harder to lose weight...

Your metabolism will slightly drop, you'll become hungrier, and more lethargic...

Your cravings will increase, and you'll probably find yourself thinking about food 24/7.

I'm sure you've experienced these feelings before...

It's your body telling you it needs to find food asap.

Which is why it will also store as much food as fat as soon as you come off your diet.

To avoid these things, yes... you need to be in a calorie deficit...

But not one that forces your body to turn against you...

You'll need to eat in a deficit, with a calorie target specifically designed for your body, your situation, and your goals... 

...without removing foods you enjoy or that supposedly "fill your body with harmful toxins."

Which just isn't true.

Mistake #2 - Cardio Hell

Most health & fitness programs force you to do ridiculous amounts of cardio every week... 

Like, a few times per week... at least.

Well, not to support your heart health...

They do it because it’s easier to tell you to run miles or do hours of cardio to burn extra calories instead of showing you simpler ways to transform your body that make your life easier.

The truth is...

You do NOT have to do cardio to lose fat or reach your weight loss goal.
And even more truth... 

Too much cardio is probably keeping you from getting the results you want.

You're might be thinking - "Wait a second, Keith! You need to burn more calories than you eat to lose weight, and cardio helps you do that". 

And yes, my intelligent friend... you're right by thinking that. 

But give me a chance and I'll explain why cardio is actually hurting your results... 

If you want a toned body you're confident as hell in while wearing your bathing suit or underwear...

...then you need to build lean, dense muscle.

In order to get that, you need a high-quality strength training program. 

This is a MUST have. 

Lean bodies aren't formed by doing cardio... 

In fact, most people who lose weight from cardio alone end up looking “skinny fat” because they don’t have much muscle to show after the weight comes off... 

So if your only concern is to lose weight, and you're not worried about looking skinny fat, then keep doing your cardio. 

But... If you want a lean, head-turning body with nice round glutes and a toned belly, (for the moms) and ripped arms, shoulders, and a deep 6-pack (for the dads)... you gotta strength train. 

There's no other way around it...

And the great thing is… an awesome strength training program burns just as many calories (or more) as cardio, WHILE also helping you build pounds of muscle too. 

Fat loss while gaining muscle... Pretty sweet, right? 

And the cool thing is, a great program doesn’t need to be hours in the gym… 

With the right program, 30-45 minutes is all you need to build lean muscle & burn a ton of calories to speed up weight loss. 

Maybe even only 3 or 4 times per week! 

We'll talk more about great strength training in a bit... 

But the main thing is, you don't have to do hours of cardio to get the body you desire...

Would you rather waste hours of your time running on a treadmill and still risk not getting the results you want, or...

Spend a few 30-45 minute sessions per week with a proven strength training system, achieving better gains in less time...

The choice is yours.

Mistake #3 - Shocking Your System With Random HIIT Workouts

When I talk about HIIT workouts, I mean anything high-intensity interval training. 

This could be HIIT cardio, Zumba classes, or even HIIT style weight training… 

You know... the programs where you're doing rounds of multiple, random exercises with barely any rest in between. 
First off, does anyone really enjoy these workouts?

I’ve never met someone who said “Oh boy, I just can’t wait to get into the gym today and do my 10 exercises without rest until I muster up enough strength to scrape myself off the gym-floor after lying in the pool of my own blood & sweat… I absolutely love it!” 

(Okay… that might be dramatic, but you get the point.) 

The workouts suck... For results & enjoyment. 

If you actually enjoy them, good for you... I'm not hating on anyone who does. 

But the truth is, most people loathe them. 

They only do HIIT because they believe that’s what gets results… and it can for some (not typically), but at what expense? 

To “earn” your carbs or the one “cheat meal” you’re dying to eat at the end of the week because you’re mentally and physically drained? 

Diets and fitness programs use these exercise methods because it’s an easy way to get people to burn extra calories… 

(Plus, it's easy to rip them off the internet or Instagram... you've been warned.)

...And much easier than providing personalized, structured strength training programs (most fitness professionals don't know how to), which is exactly what you need to get toned and build lean muscle. 

Building dense muscle isn’t done with random HIIT exercises that change every day or week… 

Muscle is built by being intentional with your lifts. 

That means you need to give your body & brain time to adapt to your training...

...and time to build new muscle tissue...

Which is infinitely more difficult if you're doing new exercises every day.

How does a well-structured strength training program work? 

Welp, here's the framework in 4 simple steps...

1. Choose proven strength training exercises
2. Use good form to target the specific muscle you want to grow
3. Progressively overload (make it challenging) the muscle to force muscle growth
4. Repeat consistently, for long periods of time.

Seems simple enough, right?

But to accomplish this, you need a coach who understands long-term exercise and muscle growth strategy...

Not a program that risks injury by shocking your system with random exercises...

If you master the basics of strength training, your body will respond the way you want it to. 

Lift with good form. Be consistent. Use progressive overload, and the results will follow... 

And you can take that to the bank. 

Because we've been doing the same process for years.

It's simple, but hard to implement overtime unless you have someone with years of experience...

...that's how you get long-term results that last a lifetime.

And once you have the results, they're easy to maintain.

Plus, it's more enjoyable than jumping and rolling around like a hip-hop dancer.
So... now that we've discussed the top 3 Catastrophic Guru Dieting Mistakes and Why they don't work... you're probably wondering, what the heck does?

Let me introduce you to our top secret advantage...

The L3 Method

A Simple Fat Loss Method Any Busy Mom or Dad can Use To Torch Fat, Build Lean Muscle, and Get In Jaw-Dropping Shape... Even if They Only Have 30 Minutes To Exercise a Few Times Per Week.

Having tried many mainstream diets and fitness challenges, and failing them repeatedly…

I knew I had to find a different way to shed stubborn body fat and create the body I felt confident in maintaining for the rest of my life...

It wasn't easy..

But I'm grateful for the years of diet misery and failed experiences because... 

It led me to discover the L3 Method… 

Which is the exact method we take our 1-1 clients through.

Now, you're probably wondering what the method stands for?  

Leaner, Leverage & Longevity

The L3 method is wildly different from any other diet program, fitness challenge, or 1-1 coaching method you'll find on the market today.


Well, for starters... 

The L3 Method thrives on simple, repeatable phases which provide long-term results... 

It's a unique, 3 phase approach that keeps your body progressing through periods that you'd typically experience weight loss plateaus...

3 phases that can be easily used for the rest of your life.

All you have to do is roll through the 3 phases until you reach your desired result...

Whether that's losing 10, 20, 30 pounds...

Or even 70, 80, or 100 like I did.

After you reach your desired result, you just maintain your newfound body based on everything we give you in phase 3.

Easy, peasy.

Just 3 simple phases... and you'll have the step-by-step blueprint that shows you exactly how to do it, so you have the knowledge you need to maintain your new body forever... 

...even after our time working together comes to an end.

With that in mind, let me ask you...

How would it feel to never invest in another diet, or sign up for another weight loss challenge ever again? 

The expectation is you'll never need to… 
Look, I get it...

You’re probably skeptical. I would be too. 

But let me explain why I'm so confident you'll get real results, LOVE them, and discover how to maintain them long-term as well… 

A unique advantage of the L3 Method is that it's non-restrictive and interchangeable to your life… 

Meaning we show you how to adjust the system to best fit your lifestyle...

This gives the method 3 unique advantages: 

1. Your adherence/commitment to the program skyrockets since you’ll be 10x more likely to meet daily, weekly, and monthly goals… thus, leading you to faster, noticeable results. 

2. Personal enjoyment soars through the roof because you’re not forced into a cookie-cutter program that says “you must do X to achieve Y”... the method fits your exercise and eating preferences...

And yes, it is easily adjusted even if you have pre-existing conditions or medical requirements from your Doctor.

3. You discover simple, easy, repeatable exercise and eating patterns that create a positive feedback loop in your brain… which makes it effortless overtime. 

All of these things make it easier to transition to a consistent, healthy lifestyle overtime… 
As you can see above, everything you’re reading isn’t theory...  

It’s time-tested and proven. 

We have hundreds of messages like this...

From dozens of busy working parents who felt like they didn’t have enough time or energy to get the body they desired. 

I’m here to tell you… 

As long as you’re willing to commit to your health & wellness… the lifestyle can be your reality too.

And it's easier than you think.

Let me show you how...

Here's exactly how the L3 Method works...

The L3 method has three very distinct, purposeful phases...

Each phase is 4-5 weeks... then you transition into the next phase.

This is not random programming or design...

Each phase is strategically placed at the right moment, at the right time, to help give you the highest chance of reaching your desired result easier and faster...

It is evidence-based nutrition & fitness combined with years of professional education and client trial & error with direct feedback from hundreds of busy parents. 

Everything you get is time tested & delicately placed to make sure you have the simplest and easiest roadmap to reaching your fitness goals… in the shortest amount of time possible (that’s healthy & sustainable). 

In short… this shit works. 

And we’re confident it will work for you too. 

Our methods are proven to get results as long as you're committed to making a change…

Let's talk about each phase, step by step...

Phase 1 - Leaner

The first 5-weeks are solely focused on eating strategies & training methods to get you “leaner” in less time. 

Every resource is carefully & strategically designed for just one outcome. 

Starting with a BIG BANG, getting you fast, efficient fat loss by doing less… 

Less cardio… 

Less training… 

Less planning & prep… 

Hell, most people do zero cardio. 

Break up with the treadmill because you don't need it anymore...

In fact, most parents within the program only exercise 3 times per week, for 30 ish minutes per session. 

Toss our the kitchen scale too...

You are NOT required to count calories or macros.

You don't even have to worry about figuring out your portion sizes.

Our clients usually don't have time for that...

If you want to, that's great… but the point is, you don’t have to. 

We’ll show you how to do everything on the fly with our Fit Meal Formula Cheatsheet...

It makes eating for your goals a friggin' breeze because it's already tailored to your specific body and goals...

All you have to do is choose the meals you want, make the food, and eat it...


Every aspect of Phase 1 is tailored to your specific lifestyle while allowing you to get leaner, faster… doing less exercise & work. 

Most people who commit to this process can expect to lose anywhere between 5-20 lbs in the first 5 weeks. 

No… that’s not a joke. 

And no… those results aren’t uncommon. 
This is a screenshot from one of our recent clients progress. Note how she lost 20lbs in the first month alone. 
Imagine losing 5-20lbs in the first 5 weeks... how would that change your life?

Phase 2 - Leverage

After week 5 wraps up, we move into Phase 2: Leverage. 

This is another 5-week phase that leverages your body’s unique strengths… 

We are NOT focusing on weaknesses. 

And NOT things you hate... or the stuff other coaches suggest you need to improve on (which is a waste of time at this stage).

We focus on your strengths...

And we do that by collecting all the information, feedback, and progress from the first 5 weeks...

...and build a training new routine that focuses on specialization which highlights those strengths. 

Here's why...

After you’ve gotten quick results, and breakthrough the initial learning period your body will be primed to push the limits. 

This means we want to put a higher effort on specialized body parts and nutrition efforts around areas you want to optimize. 

For the ladies, it’s usually the hips, glutes, and stomach. 

For the fellas, it’s typically the arms, chest, and back. 

Whatever you’re choosing, we’re going to send you through an optimized training phase that pushes the limits and leverages your unique strengths and abilities. 

The better and more efficient you can perform, the more accelerated your results. 

It's like pouring gasoline on a fire… and phase 1 was the perfect primer. 

Your nutrition and eating strategies can also be manipulated if needed... 

But many times, we find our clients don’t need to change much since they’re still predictably losing 1-3lbs per week… 

Let’s gather the data to paint a realistic picture of progress at this point of the program… 

In phase 1, it’s common to lose anywhere between 5-20lbs over the first 5 weeks… 

In phase 2, if you’re still following the plan, we can confidently predict most people will keep losing between 1-2 lbs on a weekly basis… 

…which is incredible progress after being in a program for 5 weeks straight. 

So what does the outcome look like after 10 short weeks?  

Do the math… 

Phase 1 = 5-20lbs of fat lost 

Phase 2 = 5-15lbs of fat lost 

That’s potentially 10-35 lbs of fat lost over a 10 week period! 

How would it feel to lose between 10 and 35lbs over the next ten weeks, without feeling like you’re dieting? 

Imagine how many new pairs of jeans you’ll have to buy because your pants won’t fit anymore… 

Great excuse to go shopping lol 

Phase 3 - Longevity

After you’ve finished the leaner and leverage phase, you’ll transition into the final phase of the 15-week program… 


This phase is a culmination of everything we’ve built so far in the program. 

It’s the launchpad to helping you produce results that will last for the rest of your life. 

This phase is where we introduce a balance of strength and muscle growth strategies within your training program. 

Every detail is laid out in a simple approach to make sure you're confident you can continue getting results, and maintaining those results way beyond the program.

You see... Most coaches & programs try to upsell you into other programs or higher priced packages.

We take a different approach.

Although we love working with our clients... our main goal is to give you every tool & resource so they have confidence to coach themselves and make every necessary change within their diet and training for life.

The goal is you'll never need a coach ever again because you're the expert of your own body and transformation.

Given what I’ve shared here, there’s no reason why you couldn’t try implementing the L3 Method for yourself. 

The framework is laid out above.

Parents have tried it in the past...

But here’s the problem with that… 

While the L3 Method is super simple, most busy parents looking to transform their body find they make the strategy too confusing,...

...don't understand how much food to eat through each phase...

Overcomplicate their training by doing way more than needed...

... or get stuck in a weight-loss plateau for months without having a plan to keep making progress through each phase...

So they end up stuck at the same weight, eating the same foods, which burns them out and results in them giving up.

And for that reason I created … 

Power Loop Accelerator is our 14 week, personalized fitness & nutrition system designed by busy parents, for busy parents...

It’s the exact same system we've used with dozens of time-strapped parents to help them regain their self-confidence, lose 10, 20, or even 30+ pounds of stubborn fat and become the best version of themselves... 

EVEN if they've failed at multiple diets in the past or feel like they need to choose between taking care of their health or kids.  

Unlike other diets, fitness plans, and weight-loss programs, it doesn't require you to spend hours in the gym, restrict foods you love, or even require you to know anything about food or nutrition.

It's the most simplified, non-restrictive weight loss transformation system you'll find on the market today.

As long as you can follow 5th-grade level directions, and are committed to reaching your weight loss goals...

You will see results you absolutely love. 

What Exactly Does Power Loop Accelerator Get You?

Initial Assessment "Deep Dive"

When you initially join the program, and we're done popping champagne... we’ll send you an initial assessment form to get a better understanding of your health & fitness history, personal goals, limitations, wants, and needs… as well as what has led to your current situation. 

We’ll also identify your vision, and exactly what you want from the program so we can help decide the perfect roadmap to get you there. 
Your Personalized Accelerator

After your onboarding assessment is returned, we work diligently to create a personalized plan to accelerate your results. 

One that works for you and your schedule...

And one that feels like a seamless transition towards the life and results you want from the program.

Our goal is to get your personalized accelerator plan to you within 48-72 hours so you can start implementing and getting results as fast as possible.
Roll Out The Red Carpet (Plus Optional Call)

Once we create the perfect accelerator program for you, we roll out the red carpet just for you.

Your program is zipped back to your email with quick-start resources and materials that outline best practices, in a step-by-step fashion so you can implement the program the same day. 

At this time we also offer a 20-minute strategy call (if you choose to do so) to make sure every step of the process is crystal clear, and there is zero confusion on your end. 

The goal is to make sure the process is as simple and stress-free as possible for your life.

No detail overlooked, no matter how minor you think it is. 
Long Term Weight Loss & Lean Muscle Strategies

Not only will we help you lose weight with a simple, repeatable system - we provide meal templates, strength training guides/workouts, and exclusive resources to help you maintain a lean body forever… and show you how to be your own expert as well. 

Done-for-you meal plans that are customized to your goals, full recipe guides, and simple meal combinations so you never run out of delicious meal options.

This is invaluable information so you can discover how to make continuous progress towards your goals while enjoying the process.

The great thing is, you'll also learn how to implement these strategies for the entire family too!
Exclusive Access To Your Coaches 

Consistent messaging and touchpoints with your coaches inside our exclusive fitness and nutrition app...

Weekly progress reporting and tracking to ensure you’re happy and making positive changes. 

Bi-weekly check-ins to ensure you are on the right track. 

You also get 1-1 access to your coach for any questions you may have. You will never feel alone or in the dark throughout your transformation.
Adaptive Training & Progressive Learning

Ask anything and we shall deliver! 

One thing we pride ourselves on is the human experience and providing every resource needed to accomplish your personal goals. 

If at any time you feel like you need additional resources, or exclusive training to get a better understanding of health, fitness, nutrition - we will create them just for you. 

Prior training(s) have been created via in-depth Google Doc guides, Recorded Loom Videos, and Zoom calls. 

Whatever learning experience you prefer, we'll deliver.

Here are reviews from real, hard-working, busy parents who’ve been through Power Loop Accelerator:

"This Power Duo is helping me level up in fitness and in life!"


"Fit Life Parenting is one stop shopping for changing your health and fitness regimen.


"It was a life changing experience."


"The depth of knowledge they have on fitness and nutrition can and will change your life."


Real proof this method works… 

As long as you commit to the process.

Imagine seeing consistent weight loss week after week…

Okay, I get it... Parents who go through Power Loop Accelerator love it and get undeniable results. But get to the point Keith. How much does it cost?

A LOT, okay… remember at the very beginning when I said it was expensive? Yea, I meant it. 

This is honestly every tiny little detail we’ve learned about optimizing health, wellness, fitness, dieting, and the emotional/mental components of it… 

Wrapped into the perfect program that makes dieting so simple a 5th grader could follow it…. 

We’ve spent thousands of dollars and years of our lives diligently creating the perfect blueprint distilled into 3 simple, and easy-to-implement phases that are damn near foolproof… 

So I have NO reservations about making it pricey. 

Besides … We only want people who will be committed. 

Parents who will implement every little detail of the process and do anything necessary to reach their health and fitness goals… 

Are the ones who will gladly commit because they know they’ll get the result they deeply desire. 

Which is why Power Loop Accelerator is very deliberately priced at a stinging $1,750

Or… $125 per week. 

Obviously, this is not an ‘impulse’ buy. Nor do I want it to be. 

It’s not a $79 product you can buy and just forget about it. 

It’s supposed to be an investment. 

It’s supposed to sting…

The sting gets your attention and commitment. 

But, if you think about it - every life-changing investment stings a little, doesn’t it? 

If you haven’t experienced this feeling yet, maybe that’s why you’re still reading this page.

I’ve never gotten life-changing results from programs that didn’t make me a little nervous to pull out my wallet… 

…you probably haven’t either. 

That’s why we don’t offer change-of-mind refunds on this program. 

We do everything we can to eliminate the ‘tire-kickers’... 

(As you can see, that’s what I’m doing right now) 

We want the best of the best. People who demand more of themselves...

So think carefully before you book your call. 

Because once you do, the expectation is that you’re all-in… 

And the great news is, we’re all in too… 

We’ll make sure we overdeliver, blow your friggin mind, and get you the results you’ve never thought would be possible. 

All you have to do is make the call.

Would you rather drive around in a Toyota Camry or Mercedes Benz S Class?

Right now you’re probably thinking about the price of the program and if it’s worth the investment or not… 

Which makes sense - most decisions are decided by price. 

I’m not going to justify the investment by saying, look…

It’s only $4.16 per day - which is less than most people spend on Starbucks every day. 

You know that… and I believe that’s an insult to your intelligence. 

Instead, I encourage you to look at your body and health as a vehicle. 

Would you rather drive around in a clunky 1999 Toyota Camry that has a great risk of breaking down at the corner store, or a newly minted 2022 Mercedes Benz S Class that zips around with style and grace… 

Something that makes heads turn as you cruise around downtown and in your neighborhood. 

Your body isn’t so different. 

It's the vehicle that gets you from point A to point B in life… just like a vehicle takes you from your home to work every day so you can make a comfortable living… 

…without worrying it will break down on the corner, have surprise repairs, or a random engine malfunction.

Wouldn’t you rather have a vehicle that is trustworthy, reliable, and the envy of all your friends and family? 

A body that looks and feels like you’re a brand new person, energized and youthful - ready to wake up and kick the day's ass. 

That can be you… 

The only thing stopping you is you.

The way I see it - you have two choices:

Option A: Ignore everything you just read and do nothing. Don't take action. But keep in mind, if you decide to take this path, you are making the decision to remain exactly where you are, if not worse.

Which is a massive risk.

Option B: Skip all the frustration and take charge of your health, body, and future by investing in yourself. Discover simple eating and fitness methods that are proven to get long-lasting fat loss results.

Worst case, you'll have a connection call and discover you don't like the sound of my voice and realize "I can't listen to this friggin' guy for 14 weeks"...

In that event, we'll go our separate ways. No hard feelings... But at least you'll never leave this page wondering "what if" as so many people do.

Don't be the what if guy or gal.

Either way, at this point... you have all the information needed...

To make a decision.

Many people reading this page will decide it’s harder to make a change than it is to stay stuck being overweight and unhappy with their body image and health.

They’ll continue their lives without ever fixing their problems… and that's okay.

I never want to push anyone into anything they're not confident in. 

But these are the people who’ll never get results, will keep trying program after program, forever spinning their wheels, getting nowhere. 

On the other hand...

There are the moms and dads who say -

“Enough is enough.

I’m done feeling guilty about the foods I eat and being unhappy in my own skin."

I'm tired of my knees & back feeling like a knife is driving into my skin every time I walk up the steps or squat down to play with my kids.

I deserve to lose the stubborn fat hanging off my mid-section, become a healthier, newer version of myself, and $125 per week is a small ‘price’ to pay to achieve that.” 

They take charge of their goals and their life. 

And they decide they do want a simple, repeatable system to lose 10-30+ pounds of fat even if they have a demanding career or busy home life with kids running around.

If that’s you, click the button below and book your connection call.

Still Have Questions?

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Who exactly is the Power Accelerator for?

This Power Loop Accelerator is for time-strapped parents who are tired of starting and stopping their weight loss journey over and over again. 

Parents who want a simple, repeatable nutrition and fitness system that doesn't make them choose between exercise or spending time with their family.

Parents who are committed to becoming the best version of themselves, and want a system that shows them how to get results, and keep them for life.

What kind of equipment do I need for the program?

Ideally, you’ll want to have access to a full service gym with free weights and machines.

If not, no big deal...

All of our programs can be personalized whether you're working out in a gym, or in your own home.

But, if you are home... you'll either need exercise bands or dumbbells as there are workouts for both.

Don't worry if you don't know what to buy, we'll send you links to purchase equipment that's affordable for all budgets.

What kind of results can I expect in 14 weeks?

If you're consistent and committed, average weight loss is between 15-30 lbs of fat.

Some people lose more than 30... some people lose less than 10.

The main thing is, whether through scale weight, how you look in the mirror, or how your clothes fit...

You can expect MASSIVE transformational results.

We've had clients who lost only 5 pounds the entire challenge, but when you compare their pictures side by side - they look like they lost 50!

Because they built pounds of muscle while losing fat at the same time...

This is also why we don't measure results purely on scale weight.

So... it just depends on how your body responds, everyone is different.

Will I need to be on a specific diet?

Nope! We don't believe in diets.

We use a unique framework called the Fit Life Formula that gives you a wide variety of food choices, with exact portions designed just for you so you can reach your nutrition targets without overcomplicating the process.

No prep is required. We don't ask you to count calories... and no foods are completely off-limits.

Instead, we guide you towards eating foods you enjoy while using our portion methods to make sure you're eating in the calorie range we recommend to lose weight.

This makes the process simple, enjoyable, and repeatable for life.

One last thing - It's important...

Even though the methods and strategies inside our programs are easy, and simple to use... 

Getting the body you want & becoming the best version of yourself takes guts, long term planning, hard work, and more than just “showing up” and going through the motions…

We don’t offer “quick fixes” or miracle transformations. If you read this page, you know those things don’t exist….

That means, if you fear the disapproval of your friends, your peers, or your parents for trying to better yourself… or if you shy away from challenging yourself to promote long-term change…

The Power Loop Accelerator Ain’t For You.

And, you’ll be wasting your time & money.

Final words:

This is in no way, shape, or form a “learn it today and drop 10 lbs by next week” kind of thing. These strategies might take some time and discipline to implement.

Some people pick it up instantly…

Others might have a little longer learning curve. That’s okay because…

Results don’t come overnight. And they’re also not guaranteed. Your results depend on your willingness and drive to be better.

I’ve been in the fitness game for almost 8 years and still work hard at it every day. It’s a lifestyle change.

So keep that in mind before pulling the trigger & investing in Power Loop Accelerator.

In fact, I’ll try to make your decision even easier:

If you have any doubts about this program or our ability to deliver the results you want… then I recommend not taking a call with us.

So think carefully before booking a call because we’re only looking for parents who are dedicated to changing their health, fitness & overall lifestyle.

If it’s not a HELL YES! Then it’s a clear no.

I don’t say these things to be rude… I say them to protect your time and mine.

If you read through this, and you still believe you’re perfect for this program… then there’s only one thing to do. 
All Rights Reserved 2022 © Fit Life Parenting